Web Development
With Presto, you can see concerts for all of your favorite artists at once. No need to make over a dozen searches to grab a ticket. Just sign in with your Spotify, choose artists from your playlist, and find your concerts.
Developer, Designer
Winter 2022
I used Next.js v13 to build out this web application, due to its additions of Server Components and updated layout systems. All the data is streamed and rendered on the server before it hits the client, making the experience streamlined and quick.
The Spotify API handles the retrieval of playlists and songs from the user's account. All data processing happens either client-side or on Spotify's end. The app parses through all the user's playlist's songs, finding all the artists.
With the Ticketmaster Discovery API, I was able to cross-reference artists from Spotify and find the best matches using Attraction Search. From here, we use Ticketmaster's Event Search to find events under said artist.